The 20 Hyundai i2016 drives in color

The future weapon of Michel Nandan's men is currently being tested in the Alpes-Maritimes and is introducing a new camouflage livery.

Published on 23/09/2015 à 15:05

Pierre Tassel

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The 20 Hyundai i2016 drives in color

On the occasion of the Frankfurt Motor Show in Germany, Hyundai had lifted the veil on a preview of the 2016 version of its i20 WRC, which will compete in the World Rally Championship from next January Rally Montecarlo.

The 20 i2016 is currently being tested in the Alpes-Maritimes, in the south-east of France, on asphalt, with Dutchman Kevin Abbring at the wheel. Hyundai has also brought a new “camouflage livery” on his frame, which changes to a very colorful version.

The next meeting for the drivers of the team based in Alzenau in Germany will be the Tour de Corse (October 1 to 4), for the French round of WRC 2015.

>>>>> Photo gallery Hyundai i20 2016 <<<<

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