That's it, the cork has popped! The drivers who were impatiently awaiting the Spaniard's decision will finally be able to move forward with the management of their future. Carlos Sainz Sr and Carlos Onoro, the pilot's father and cousin manager Ferrari, therefore did not go into hospitality Williams simply to drink coffee last weekend in Spa-Francorchamps (Belgium). It was rather to settle the final details of the Iberian's contract. James Vowles risks
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4 Comment (s)
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Eric Stevens
02/08/2024 at 12:16 a.m.
we must hope for williams, an evolution like the mc laren and the mercedes engine of 2026 will, perhaps, allow us to play in front of those who do not have one. in 2014, Bottas had a good season..
Thierry Pingret
30/07/2024 at 11:45 a.m.
Unfortunately Sainz remains a second knife. he will no longer be able to hope for better.
Eric Stevens
02/08/2024 at 12:12 a.m.
absolutely not, he and Leclerc are on par with “pro Leclerc” equipment and he is more regular. He wasn't left any better but he will have a Mercedes
Yves-Henri RANDIER
29/07/2024 at 06:37 a.m.
With the information that he most likely had to obtain on the projects Alpine and Audi (even if liar poker is a sport practiced by many members of the paddock), seeing him sign with Williams Racing also says a lot about what the paddock thinks of the 2 projects under the leadership of the king of cheats. Il Magnifico" Flavio and the ghost Mattia! Without Williams Racing, the "Smooth Operator" risked drawing a line under his F1 career...