A mess of disqualifications, serious accidents: Super GT in turmoil?

Masaaki Bandoh, president of the promoter of the Japanese championship, returned to Autopolis to the incidents that recently marred the discipline.

Published 16/10/2023 à 11:31

Tetsuya Tsuzuki

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A mess of disqualifications, serious accidents: Super GT in turmoil?

Masaaki Bandoh returned to the subjects that agitate Super GT / © GTA

In the space of 18 months, no fewer than three serious accidents have occurred in Super GT, the latest leading to an early end to the season for Naoki Yamamoto.

Faced with the increase in crashes, voices are being raised to separate the GT 500 and GT 300 categories, which participate at the same time in the Super GT events, on narrow tracks like that of Sugo where Yamamoto was injured.

« We are trying to organize a race where cars of different classes and different speeds race together, confided during a recent press conference Masaaki Bandoh, president of GTA, the promoter of Super GT. We have to deal with such a situation. We are trying to create a world of professionals who master this. Super GT is not about doing Sprints or separating the GT 500s from the GT 300s to avoid serious accidents.

Efforts to reduce cornering speeds have long been underway in GTA's technical and sporting work groups. However, I think we need to raise the general level to a higher professional level. We do not organize a race for professionals and one for amateurs but an event for professionals across the board. »

Disqualifications galore

In addition to the subject of crashes, the question of technical irregularities (too) often noted after the race was put on the table. At the Sugo round, the two winning cars were disqualified after the traditional post-race checks.

Even more problematic, several crews having finished on the GT 500 podium were excluded well after the ceremony, and often due to an infraction with the skids of the cars.

Some criticized the prolonged delays for the commissioners' verdict to be reached and the results to be officially ratified. This situation is actually not desirable for a competition like Super GT.

« Is it a question of team level ? Bandoh-san asks sternly. I know all competitors want to win. But regulations remain regulations.

I want them to be respected. We give instructions and continue to see if there is a way to make the post-race check easier. Any disqualification leaves a lasting negative impression on the team. We want to do everything we can to ensure that this does not happen. »

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