Virtual chicane in Finland, how does it work?

During the imminent Rally Finland (August 1-4), the competitors will have to face a new exercise. On the Ouninpohja special, a virtual chicane will be installed to curb the pace. The crews will have no other choice but to comply with this system under penalty of taking penalties.

Published on 30/07/2024 à 16:45


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Virtual chicane in Finland, how does it work?

In Finland, competitors will have to use virtual chicanes (Photo: WRC Promotor)

Until now, when it came to explaining to someone who knew nothing about this discipline, the answer was easy. “ You have to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. » We must now add an annex to this simplistic declaration: “ …and drive slowly in areas where there is a virtual chicane. »

The introduction of this process had been in the air for several years. After


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