Did the journey hold any surprises for you?
There is 25% new for everyone and 45% for us, because Grégoire did not participate in the 2021 edition, which is regrettable. That's almost half, but what is known is very well known like St Légers les Mélèzes (SS5/8) or Turini (SS18). I also know that there are some legendary sections like Monte-Chalancon (SS10/13) where I have never been before. Events have often happened in this time trial. For the Aucelon (SS11/14), the riders who knew it had warned me that there were impressive ravines at the beginning, but it doesn't matter, because you avoid looking down too much (laughs).
Do you prefer to tackle a familiar route or do you enjoy discovering new routes?
I think it's great that the organisers offer us unknown sections every season. For me, it should be like that everywhere. If you compare with Portugal, there are riders who are in their 18e participation while you are struggling to count 2… You are lost against them for whom it is similar to a qualifying round of F1...
Do you feel a knot in your stomach as you approach this event? Is there any particular pressure?
Not this year. I'm excited to get back, I can't wait to get back out there and I know that when I get on the podium I'll have my heart beating fast! It's always a rally complicated by its characteristics, but for 2025 we are in the same team, with the same car and the off-season has not been that long so we will quickly find our marks. It is one of the most difficult rounds for the co-driver and you start knowing that you will never have the ideal choice of tires. You have to have a good overall vision and be able to anticipate. However, we are all starting from 0 and the objective is to achieve the best possible start to get your championship off to a good start. That is not why you should put yourself under crazy pressure.
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