Little one enjoys

Penalized by ballast, Régal and Cyrille Frantz, the championship leaders, were unable to resist Petit and Castellana, who are getting back into the title race.

Published on 27/04/2009 à 11:29


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Little one enjoys

On a short and fast track where the gaps generally remain very tight, the handicap weight inflicted on the winners of the two consecutive races turns into a real hamstring. Undefeated for 4 years and holder of the track record, Régal proved it again by remaining almost 7 tenths behind his time last year. The opportunity for revenge was too good for Sébastien Petit, the only one of the leading quartet to have fallen below his 2008 time. The ASACAR driver thus won his first victory of the season ahead of Fabien Frantz who was clearly regaining form. . Régal narrowly saved third place ahead of the young Schatz, like him unable to repeat his 2008 time. The numerous drivers of F3000 colonized the top 10, from which they almost eliminated Castellana, who fell to Cyrille Frantz in proto sport.

Files only survivor

Les pilotes de voitures fermées ont eux aussi payé cher le handicap poids dû à un trop bon début de saison. Ainsi l?Alsacien Werver ne put-il, avec les 60 kilos que traînait sa Porsche Carrera Cup résister à celle de Soutrenon, qu?il avait jusqu?ici dominée. Double vainqueur du groupe N, Cat connut le même sort avec sa BMW M3 dans le combat difficile qui l?opposait au Lorrain Marchal. Il dut se contenter de la seconde place, reprise de justesse au jeune Cosson. Même lestée, la BMW 320 ST de Dosières resta inaccessible à la M3 de Janioud et à la 306 maxi de Fritsch en tourisme, mais dut céder la victoire scratch aux Porsche Carrera Cup. Bloqué tout le week end par une panne électronique sur sa Porsche, Vuillaume n?eut qu?une seule et unique montée pour coiffer au poteau celles de Fade et Millet et remporter sa seconde victoire en GT de série.

1. Petit (Reynard 95 D) 48??588 (1st single-seater)? 2. F. Frantz (Reynard 92 D) at 0??521? 3. Régal (Reynard 01 KL) at 0??570? 4. Schatz (Lola T 94/50) at 0??808? 5. Baudin (Reynard 01 KL) at 1??747? 6. A. Thomas (Lola B99/50) at 2??287? 7. Mouth (Reynard 99 L) at 2??593? 8. A. Neveu (Reynard 93D) at 2??787? 9. Allais (Reynard 97D) at 2??936? 10. Castellana (Norma M20) at 3??081 (1st sport prototypes)? 11. Ritchen (Lola B 99/50) at 3??117? 12. C. Frantz (Norma M20) at 3??228 ?? ? 38. Soutrenon (Porsche 996 Cup) at 10??806 (1st GTS)?. – 42 Dosières (BMW 320ST) at 11??719 (1st tourism) – 43 Poinsignon (CG turbo) at 12??026 (1st Gr. FC) – 57. Marchal (BMW M3) at 15??109 (1st Gr. N) – 58. Vuillaume (Porsche 996) at 15??252 (1st GT) – etc.

France championship
1. Treat 104 pts? 2. Small 94? 3. Schatz and C. Frantz (1st proto) 84? 5. F. Frantz 81? 6. Dosières 69 (1st tourism)? 7. Castellana and Cat (1st GR. N) 64? 9. Baudin 60? 10. A. Thomas 57? 11. Cannata, Millet and Fritsch 48? 14. Janioud 47 ? 15. Vuillaume (1st GT) 46? etc.

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