NASCAR launches massive expansion in Europe

Founded in 2009 and officially affiliated with NASCAR since 2012, the European version of the American championship is set to enter a new era in 2025, which will bring it closer to its big American sister, with the aim of making it a major series in Europe.


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The pilots

Neel jani
Neel jani
Country ch.png
Ecurie Porsche
Timo Bernhard
Timo Bernhard
Country Flag_of_Germany
Ecurie Porsche
Jose Maria Lopez
Jose Maria Lopez
Country Argentina
Ecurie Toyota
Romain Dumas
Romain Dumas
Country Flag_of_France.svg
SĂ©bastien Loeb
SĂ©bastien Loeb
Country Flag_of_France.svg
Ecurie Citroën
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